Photo Portfolio

As I enjoy analyzing data, I also enjoy acquiring data and doing astrophotography. All of the following pictures are taken by me via Canon Rebel T7 or the remote telescope. Some have undergone intense post-processing to create an artistic effect.

Please enjoy!

Eagle nebula, narrow band: Ha, OIII, SII integration. 9*300”

Carina Nebula, LRGB integration. 7*300”

Andromeda Galaxy, RGB integration. 9*300”

Orion Nebula, 15*30”

Moon (5 photos combined)

Moon and Stars (15 photos combined)

Moon, Venous, and Houston (25 photos combined)

Moon and Mars (~50 photos combined)


Jupyter and its Satellites (Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, & Io) (~60 photos stacked)